I have recently tried to use Template Haskell to generate both a datatype and lenses for accessing the fields of this datatype, and it was harder than it should have been. In this post, I will demonstrate the problem, I will pinpoint its cause, and I will propose a solution.
The Problem
Consider the following code. I'm using a simple, contrived example instead of a more realistic one because it will be easier to write Template Haskell code for generating this silly code than it would be to write Template Haskell code generating lenses and such.
class Default a where
def :: a
data X = X
data Y = Y X
data DoubledX = DoubledX
data DoubledY = DoubledY X X
instance Default X where def = X
instance Default Y where def = Y def
instance Default DoubledX where def = DoubledX
instance Default DoubledY where def = DoubledY def def
Most of that code is boilerplate, and I would like to generate that boilerplate using Template Haskell. I hasten to note that Template Haskell is a tool of last resort, to be used only when none of Haskell's many other abstraction facilities would have sufficed. In this example, I would probably use some generics library to define a default implementation of def
for any algebraic datatype:
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Generics.Eot
class Default a where
def :: a
default def :: (HasEot a, Default (Eot a)) => a
def = fromEot def
instance Default () where
def = ()
instance (Default a, Default b) => Default (a, b) where
def = (def, def)
instance Default a => Default (Either a b) where
def = Left def
instance Default X
instance Default Y
instance Default DoubledX
instance Default DoubledY
This works fine, but today I want to talk about one of Template Haskell's limitations, so let's write a Template Haskell implementation instead.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.List
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- > data Foo = Bar Int String
-- > generateDefault ''Foo
-- generates
-- > instance Default Foo where def = Bar def def
generateDefault :: Name -> Q [Dec]
generateDefault name = do
-- data Foo = Bar Int...
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ (NormalC cname cargs:_) _) <- reify name
-- Bar def...
let expr = foldl' (\c _ -> [|$c def|]) (conE cname) cargs
[d|instance Default $(conT name) where def = $expr|]
data X = X
data Y = Y X
data DoubledX = DoubledX
data DoubledY = DoubledY X X
generateDefault ''X
generateDefault ''Y
generateDefault ''DoubledX
generateDefault ''DoubledY
In addition to the Default instances, we can also generate the Doubled
datatypes, they are a version of the original datatype which has two copies of each field:
-- > data Foo = Bar Int String
-- > generateDoubled ''Foo
-- generates
-- > data DoubledFoo = DoubledBar Int String Int String
generateDoubled :: Name -> Q [Dec]
generateDoubled name = do
-- data Foo = Bar Int...
TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ (NormalC cname cargs:_) _) <- reify name
let cons = [NormalC (doubledName cname) (cargs ++ cargs)]
pure [DataD [] (doubledName name) [] Nothing cons []]
doubledName :: Name -> Name
doubledName = mkName . ("Doubled" ++) . nameBase
data X = X
data Y = Y X
generateDoubled ''X
generateDoubled ''Y
generateDefault ''X
generateDefault ''Y
generateDefault ''DoubledX
generateDefault ''DoubledY
So, we can write a Template Haskell function which generates a datatype, and we can write one which generates an instance for that datatype. But can we write one which generates both the datatype and its instance? Both of our functions are Q
actions which produce a [Dec]
, so it looks like a no brainer: we can simply run both Q
actions one after the other and concatenate the resulting lists.
generateBoth :: Name -> Q [Dec]
generateBoth name = (++) <$> generateDoubled name
<*> generateDefault (doubledName name)
data X = X
-- error: ‘DoubledX’ is not in scope at a reify
generateBoth ''X
Sadness, it does not work :(
The Cause
The reason DoubledX
is not in scope when generateDefault
calls reify ''DoubledX
is that the DoubledX
datatype is not created as a side-effect of the generateDoubled ''X
action, but as a side-effect of splicing the resulting [Dec]
into the surrounding code. When concatenating the two lists, this doesn't happen until after both lists have been generated, and so DoubledX
cannot be "reified" while generating the second list.
I didn't thought I'd ever say something like this, but: this pure API was a mistake, an API based on side-effects would be better! I'll qualify that statement though: since reify
obtains information about datatypes (and other named entities) via a side-effect, namely reading from some global symbol table, I think there should be a corresponding action for adding new names to this table. As we have seen, with the current API in which names are added by returning a pure [Dec]
value, declaration templates don't compose, so I think that API was a mistake.
I should note that there is, in fact, an action for adding new declarations as a side-effect:
addTopDecls :: [Dec] -> Q ()
Unfortunately, as of this writing, addTopDecls
is unable to add datatypes:
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
generateBoth :: Name -> Q [Dec]
generateBoth name = do
decs <- generateDoubled name
addTopDecls decs
generateDefault (doubledName name)
data X = X
-- error: Only function, value, annotation, and foreign import
-- declarations may be added with addTopDecl
-- error: ‘DoubledX’ is not in scope at a reify
generateBoth ''X
So the real solution would be to fix the implementation so it also supports datatypes, but until then, I have a simpler solution.
Simple Solution
We can't change declaration-splicing's Q [Dec]
API, but if we create our own API, we can write an adapter which turns it into a Q [Dec]
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
newtype LocalQ a = LocalQ { unLocalQ :: StateT [Dec] Q a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFail)
runLocalQ :: LocalQ () -> Q [Dec]
runLocalQ = flip execStateT [] . unLocalQ
The idea is that in addition to Q
's global symbol table, LocalQ
also has access to a local symbol table holding the declarations which have been added within the LocalQ
addLocalDecls :: [Dec] -> LocalQ ()
addLocalDecls decls = LocalQ $ modify (++ decls)
reifyLocallyFirst :: Name -> LocalQ Info
reifyLocallyFirst name = do
decls <- LocalQ get
case find (hasName name) decls of
Just dec -> pure $ TyConI dec
Nothing -> liftQ $ reify name
-- for this simple example, I'm only interested
-- in datatype declarations
hasName :: Name -> Dec -> Bool
hasName expected (DataD _ actual _ _ _ _) = actual == expected
hasName _ _ = False
liftQ :: Q a -> LocalQ a
liftQ = LocalQ . lift
If we reimplement our declaration templates to use this new, better API...
locallyGenerateDefault :: Name -> LocalQ ()
locallyGenerateDefault name = do
info <- reifyLocallyFirst name
let TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ (NormalC cname cargs:_) _) = info
let expr = foldl' (\c _ -> [|$c def|]) (conE cname) cargs
decls <- liftQ [d|instance Default $(conT name) where def = $expr|]
addLocalDecls decls
locallyGenerateDoubled :: Name -> LocalQ ()
locallyGenerateDoubled name = do
info <- reifyLocallyFirst name
let TyConI (DataD _ _ _ _ (NormalC cname cargs:_) _) = info
let cons = [NormalC (doubledName cname) (cargs ++ cargs)]
addLocalDecls [DataD [] (doubledName name) [] Nothing cons []]
...then this time we can compose them just fine:
locallyGenerateBoth :: Name -> LocalQ ()
locallyGenerateBoth name = do
locallyGenerateDoubled name
locallyGenerateDefault (doubledName name)
data X = X
data Y = Y X
runLocalQ $ locallyGenerateDefault ''X
runLocalQ $ locallyGenerateDefault ''Y
runLocalQ $ locallyGenerateBoth ''X
runLocalQ $ locallyGenerateBoth ''Y
Happiness, it works! Now all that's left is to convince everybody to rewrite their declaration templates using LocalQ
instead of Q
, and we'll finally be able to reuse each other's code.
Final Solution
Okay, so that last part is probably not going to happen. If only there was a way to monkey-patch existing Q
code so it would use reifyLocallyFirst
instead of reify
Well, here's a little-known fact about Q
newtype Q a = Q { unQ :: forall m. Quasi m => m a }
That's right, Q
isn't some magic Monad which only the compiler can execute! It's a concrete type, which we can examine and manipulate however we want. The finally-tagless encoding might be a bit intimidating, but in practice, a Q a
value is basically an AST listing which Q
actions need to be performed in order to produce an a
. So we should be able to dive in and replace all the reify
calls with reifyLocallyFirst
calls, no problem.
The finally-tagless way to do that is to write a Quasi
instance which instantiates reify
with reifyLocallyFirst
, and delegates all the other operations to some other Quasi
instance Quasi LocalQ where
qReify = reifyLocallyFirst
qAddTopDecls = addLocalDecls
-- Most of those aren't being exercised by my simple example,
-- so I can afford to use 'undefined' for the trickier methods.
qGetQ = undefined
qPutQ = undefined
qRecover = undefined
qAddDependentFile x = liftQ $ qAddDependentFile x
qAddModFinalizer x = liftQ $ qAddModFinalizer x
qExtsEnabled = liftQ $ qExtsEnabled
qIsExtEnabled x = liftQ $ qIsExtEnabled x
qLocation = liftQ $ qLocation
qLookupName x y = liftQ $ qLookupName x y
qNewName x = liftQ $ qNewName x
qReifyAnnotations x = liftQ $ qReifyAnnotations x
qReifyConStrictness x = liftQ $ qReifyConStrictness x
qReifyFixity x = liftQ $ qReifyFixity x
qReifyInstances x y = liftQ $ qReifyInstances x y
qReifyModule x = liftQ $ qReifyModule x
qReifyRoles x = liftQ $ qReifyRoles x
qReport x y = liftQ $ qReport x y
qRunIO x = liftQ $ qRunIO x
With this instance, I can now transform Q [Dec]
templates into LocalQ ()
templates, and the transformed version will use reifyLocallyFirst
instead of reify
localize :: Q [Dec] -> LocalQ ()
localize declarationTemplate = do
decls <- unQ declarationTemplate
addLocalDecls decls
generateBoth :: Name -> Q [Dec]
generateBoth name = runLocalQ $ do
localize $ generateDoubled name
localize $ generateDefault (doubledName name)
data X = X
data Y = Y X
generateDefault ''X
generateDefault ''Y
generateBoth ''X
generateBoth ''Y
Notice that I am reusing the original generateDefault
and generateDoubled
implementations, those which caused the reify error when I first tried to implement generateBoth
. I am not using the locallyGenerateDefault
and locallyGenerateDoubled
reimplementations from the previous section. This means that (with a more fleshed out implementation of LocalQ
), I should be able to reuse any existing declaration template out there, including Control.Lens.TH.makeLenses
! :D
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